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Covid 'Vaccine Passport'

A vaccine passport is an e-vaccination certificate for you to cross borders.

Covid ‘Vaccine Passport’: A travel necessity in 2021?

Are you planning a trip in 2021? After a dull and terrible 2020, most of the people are planning to travel after protecting themselves by taking two doses of Covid vaccine. In 2021, the Covid ‘Vaccine Passport’ will become the most important travel document. The world has changed since the coronavirus pandemic struck the entire globe. Mask and sanitisers have almost become an inseparable part of everyone’s life. We entered a new decade with some hopes as the vaccination against Covid-19 kicked-off in most of the countries. So, now people can make their travel plans. Very soon, ‘Vaccine Passports’ will be a requirement by individual countries to prove immunity as the governments around the globe are planning to introduce Corona passport.

What is a ‘Vaccine Passport’

A vaccination pass or passport is documentation proving that you have been vaccinated against Covid-19. A vaccine passport is an e-vaccination certificate for you to cross borders. It could become a very important travel document in the coming years.

How does a ‘Vaccine Passport’ work

A vaccine passport is not a physical passport like the name suggests, but an app. Users can download the app on their smartphones and enter details of their recent coronavirus test results, temperature scans and inoculation information. Based on the given details, the app will specify whether the user is safe to travel. Some apps may also generate a QR code that will state the traveller’s status. The inputs need to be verified by the issuing organisation – a certified testing centre or a hospital.

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However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said that these passports may not help reduce transmission as there is always a possibility of a second infection

Countries planning to launch ‘Vaccine Passport’

Sweden plans to launch a digital coronavirus ‘Vaccine Passport’ by summer. Denmark said that it would launch the first version of a coronavirus vaccination passport by the end of February.

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While the concept of ‘Vaccine Passport’ is not new. And, this is not the first time you’d need an extra travel document. Remember the mandatory Yellow Card that was an essential proof of vaccination against yellow fever?

Vaccination certificate in India

Those being vaccinated in India are getting a provisional certificate after receiving the first dose, and the final certificate will be given only after the second dose. Vaccination certificates could inspire confidence, ease travel and boost domestic and international tourism, with several countries considering opening up tourism for vaccinated travellers.