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vaccination status on Aarogya Setu

Snapshot of partially vaccinated user from Aarogya Setu app.

How to update vaccination status on Aarogya Setu App

Aarogya Setu – the government of India’s mobile app for Covid-19 contact tracing, syndromic mapping and self-assessment digital service – has rolled out a feature for the users to update their Vaccination Status on the app. Those who are fully Vaccinated will get a Blue Shield on the home page of the Aarogya Setu App with double blue ticks on the Aarogya Setu Logo 14 days after the second dose. This is done after verification of Vaccination Status from the CoWIN portal. Meanwhile, those who have got a single dose will get a single blue border with vaccination status on their home screen along with the Aarogya Setu logo with a single tick. With the second dose, the home screen will have a double border and the Aarogya Setu logo will have a double tick.

All Aarogya Setu users will get the option to “Update the Vaccination Status“ if they have not taken the revised self-assessment. On taking the self-assessment on Aarogya Setu, those users who have taken at least one dose of COVID19 Vaccine will get the tab of “partially vaccination/vaccinated (unverified)“ on the home screen of Aarogya Setu.

This is based on the declaration of vaccination status given by the user during the self-assessment. The unverified status becomes verified after an OTP-based check from the CoWIN backend.

Updating Vaccination status Crucial For Easy Travel

Vaccination status can be updated through the mobile number used for CoWIN registration. This would make easy check of Vaccination Status possible for travel and access to various premises.

Details of how it works are explained below:

Case 1. Initial Status for users who have not taken the updated self-assessment

Source: PIBC

Case 2. For the users who have taken the updated Self-Assessment

  1. As per self-assessment, if the user has taken the first dose, then the Single Blue border will appear and the status will be “Partially Vaccinated (Unverified)”. In this case, the Aarogya Setu icon will be of Grey Shade.
Source: PIB
  1. As per self-assessment, if the user has taken the second dose also, then the Double Blue border will appear and the status will be “Vaccinated (Unverified)”. In this case also, the Aarogya Setu icon will be of Grey Shade.
Source: PIB

Case 3. If user has taken the first dose, then after verification, the “(Unverified)” text will be removed and the Grey Shade icon will show the Aarogya Setu Colors.

Source: PIB

If the user has taken one dose, On clicking “>“  button, the user will get the Vaccination details as below :

Source: PIB

Case 4. When the user becomes eligible for Dose 2 (4 weeks for COVAXIN and 12 weeks for COVISHIELD), the Vaccination Details screen will show this:

Source: PIB

Case 5. If the user has already taken a second dose at the time of verification OR When the user takes his second dose and updates the same in Aarogya Setu, the screen will appear like this:

Source: PIB

The vaccination details will appear as below and the user can download the certificate also:

Source: PIB

Case 6. After 14 days of the second dose of the vaccine, a complete blue screen will appear and the status will be “You are Vaccinated”.

Source: PIB

  The user can click on “View Details” and download the final certificate:

Source: PIB

Vaccination Verification Flow

For case 1 and case 2, to update or remove the “unverified” tab, the user will need to validate his vaccination status from the COWIN platform and go through the COWIN OTP Flow for verification.

On clicking the tab “Partially Vaccinated (unverified) / Vaccinated (Unverified) “, the following process will be undertaken:

Source: PIB
Source: PIB
Source: PIB
Source: PIB
Source: PIB

Once the user clicks on “Confirm”, the profile gets updated in Aarogya Setu and vaccination details are saved and the status changes to “Partially Vaccinated / Vaccinated “ whichever the case may be for each user. A partially vaccinated tab will be displayed for users who have taken only the first dose and the Vaccinated tab will be for the users who have taken both doses. 

How to update Vaccination Status of those registered on CoWIN with different number

CoWIN allows one registered user to register up to 4 people for Vaccination. This is being used by people for registering their family, friends and those who don’t have a mobile phone or are not able to register or book slots on CoWIN on their own. 

The Vaccination status for such users on Aarogya Setu will be updated by checking the Vaccination status through the mobile number which is registered on CoWIN.

Such persons will be asked to enter the mobile number registered on CoWIN when they try to verify their vaccination status. On entering, an OTP will be sent to the CoWIN registered mobile number. This OTP will need to be entered by the person verifying his Vaccination status and then he will be able to select his profile from the people linked to the CoWIN registered number. On selection of the correct profile, the Vaccination status will be confirmed from the CoWIN backend and the same will be updated on the Aarogya Setu app. 

The process is explained below pictorially:

Source: PIB

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